
Documentaries presented on BBC Radio by Trevor Cox


7 responses to “Radio

  1. Is it possible to obtain an impulse response of the longest reverb that was recorded as the longest echo b yourself please? I listed to your radio 4 interview this week and thourghly enjoy the saxophone being played.

  2. Thank you for the link much appreciated. I now have the IR loaded onto my DAW.

  3. Hi Trevor – I’m on a desperate hunt to find a playable version of the “Save Our Sounds” Episode 1 program. It seems to no longer live at the BBC link, and I can’t find it through search engines. Do you have any idea where it can be heard? I’m teaching a high school course on field recording and soundscapes and we’re about to go on soundwalks this week…. I’d love for the students to hear “Save Our Sounds” Ep. 1 before we begin our walks! Thank you for your help!

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